Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Scorecard

Since I am trying to review so many books, I thought it would make sense to use some sort of scoring system. And it's been a long time since I got to award gold stars. But before I do, let me state, quite clearly, that these are not objective judgements, but my subjective evaluations of a book. So good means that I enjoyed it and bad means that I did not. So, for example, there may be some works of great, classic literature that will get 1 or even 0 stars. That is because I didn't like them.

Onto the scoring system!

5 Stars - An excellent book, the sort that belongs in every library on the planet and that no one should go through life without having experienced at least once.

4 Stars - A good book, one that engages and provides a quality reading experience and, most importantly, the sort of book you want to read again after putting it down.

3 Stars - A decent book, the sort that you don't regret having read and that was not too much of a chore to get through. But not the sort that you return to time and again.

2 Stars - A mediocre book, one of those that you finish and think "thank God that's over". A book that might have its good points, but it's unclear if it was worth getting through the bad bits for them.

1 Star - A bad book. The kind you only bother finish in order to write a scathing review.

0 Stars - I couldn't even finish it to write the review.

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